Narrative Essay on Health Is Wealth Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The internet has shrunk the world dramatically and people are connected 24 215 7. Multitasking is the order of the day as we struggle to fulfill our responsibilities to everyone in our lives. The stress levels continue to build up until one day a major collapse may make us aware that in all this frenzied activity, we have forgotten to take care of one important thing our health.

As we spend days shuttling between hospital and home, subjecting our body to one test after another trying to find out what has gone wrong, we are forced to remember that health is indeed wealth. People worked 9 to 5 jobs, often walked everywhere, ate more of home food, did household chores and enjoyed a healthy balance in life. Now, we have cars and bikes to go around in, exciting varieties of fast food to eat, home appliances to reduce our chores and save time. But the time that has been saved in this manner is now being spent of the workplace. Because of this lack of exercise, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, hypertension, etc.

If our young people are going to die or fall seriously sick in the most productive years of their life, the countrys future looks very bleak indeed. Moderation in food habits, daily exercise, and work life balance all these can make a difference to our health. advertisements: redistribution of wealth tocqueville once stated, the wealthy have little desire to govern the working people, they simply want to use them. Social class is defined as a social stratum whose members share certain economic, social, or cultural characteristics: the higher, middle, and lower income classes. Redistribution of wealth is the ‘robin hood’ of the real world, where the government steals from the rich and gives to the poor. I believe that redistribution of wealth can help benefit our country, so that we can all hope for a better tomorrow.

I will discuss the pros and give my opinion as to what they can do to help benefit society, and i will discuss the con side and refute the points. Medicaid, welfare, and state what they really are, and how they are used as redistribution of wealth. There are also many books that have certain views on redistribution of wealth, class, and socialism, and i will go more in depth as i progress throughout this paper. One of the main points for the con side, brought on by the upper class, can be summed up in metaphor’s which state that, public welfare is a type of redistribution of wealth put forth as a ‘safety net’ to catch anyone that’s ‘falling through the cracks , or a tax on the successful to support the unsuccessful landaeur, 2001. There are also many views for the pro side, which are: it can help prevent premature deaths a year, it can help reduce crime rates in the united states, and more.

Redistribution of wealth can help better our society in many ways, ways that can help the united states finally be the perfect country that everyone would like it to be. Redistribution of wealth is said to help eliminate high unemployment rates, which would prevent another 2,500 premature deaths a year. The government has always tried to get rid of child poverty, and with redistribution of wealth we can save the lives of 1,400 children under the age of fifteen every year. A combination of all three policies would get rid of more than half of the ‘excess’ deaths in constituencies with above average premature mortality rates. What this is stating is that the united stated contributes a lot to its people, but not enough. Helping out the non wealthy has always been a problem that the united states has always had to face, because most of the wealthy people claim that they are being robbed of their money, and that their money is being given to people who don’t work for themselves.

That can be far from the truth, because there are people out that do have low paying jobs, people that try to contribute as much as they can to society, even though they really can’t, as opposed to people that do have the money to contribute but don’t. Sets itself apart from other western, industrial democracies not only in our outrageous levels of income inequality and poverty but also in our incredibly high incidence of violent crime. A more equal distribution of wealth would go a long way toward solving one of americas most stubborn and pressing social problems. What this statement is offering is that with redistribution of wealth, somehow, crime rates will drop.

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I’m not sure i agree with this, the only time that crime rates will drop is in our dreams. If somehow this does happen, then i will strongly support this even more, and i will try to contribute as much as i can. I believe that this is trying to state, that if the lower class gets money then they will have no incentive for committing crimes. Some people have failed to realize that the ‘poor’ aren’t always the people committing the crimes, but yes, in a way, i do believe that crimes committed by the lower class will decrease. In general, since the ‘poor’ aren’t always the culprit’s i don’t believe that crime will go down that much.

It will definitely benefit the united states, because people will learn that the united states is a stable country to be in, if this were ever to happen. Nathan foell, february 2, 2002 some say that with redistribution of wealth you can, redistribute work through a shorter workweek, longer holidays and additional sabbaticals so that all may share in productive work and also have more time for relaxation, family and friends. With redistribution of wealth you can get more time off to spend time with family and friends, and i am not saying that people should quit their jobs, i am just saying that when given money by the government, people can actually have a social life meaning not being at their minimum wage paying jobs all day every day. If you are going to have a job to support your family, don’t you think that you should actually consider spending some time with them? ceji web page, 2001 the poorest fifth of the worlds population saw their share of global income fall from 2.3% to 1.4% in the past 30 years. Redistribution of wealth can prevent this from getting worse than it already is, i am not saying that the rich should get poorer, i am saying that the poor should get some help. Now, i am not saying that i am rich, but i am for sure not poor , my home gets a fair amount of income, and my parents contribute a lot to our society.

They do as much as they can to help our growing city my parents want to help our city succeed. If the wealthy help out just a little then the poor can get food, clothing, homes, and jobs. Ceji web page, 2001 redistribution of wealth is said to ‘punish’ the rich by taking away some of their wealth, this is a ‘gross exaggeration of the truth’. Most wealthy people would never have needed the money taken from them for taxes and dont lose anything tangible in parting with some of their money because there is nothing they would ever have needed that money in order to buy.

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I believe that this states that the money that is taken away from them in taxes is not needed, because they usually have so much money they don’t really need the little money that is taken away from them. The bottom middle and the lower class will get the money and they will benefit a great deal from it, and the wealthy class will have less money and they will learn the meaning of a dollar. Nathan foell, february 2, 2002 some people state, redistribution of wealth by the government, for example welfare or social security, is egalitarianism put into practice at the point of a gun.

This is true in some sense, the government wants to redistribute wealth because they want all the citizens to feel equal, and there is no superior. At the point of a gun , i can refute that by saying that everyone is taxed it’s just that people with more money get taxed more. You are have to pay taxes and that money goes to the government, so that means that the money is the government’s and that they can do what they choose with it. Jeff landauer, 2001 many rich people didn’t earn their money, some may inherit it and others may get by life with charm, good looks, and intelligence.