Newspaper Writing Rubric Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The article contains six components of a news story who, what, when, where, why, and how. The article contains five components of a news story who, what, when, where, why, and how. The article is written with the most important information contained within the article.

After analyzing newspaper articles, students interview classmates for newsworthy events and write their own newspaper articles.


the student writes fluently for a variety of occasions, audiences, and purposes, making appropriate choices regarding style, tone, level of detail, and organization. Randomly hand out copies of several different newspaper articles so that students will have different copies.

Ask the students to comment on the purpose, style, diction, tone, details, paragraphing, organization of the newspaper articles as you write down their responses on a blank transparency. After recording responses, ask the students to draw conclusions about the nature of a newspaper articles. Write their conclusions in a list on a blank overhead transparency or the chalkboar. Contain objective language: quotations may express opinions, but reporter usually does not e. Students should see when they compare the lead with the other articles, the lead generally has only one or maybe two sentences, rarely more.

Using the transparency chart see associated file , write the who/what/when/where/why/how from just the lead of the selected article. Ask students to draw conclusions about this information this may take some prompting from the teacher. Next, have the students find and identify the more specific details within the middle, the body, of the article and record this information on the same transparency chart under the lead in the part labeled body. Now, ask the students to comment on the headline 45 45 how does the headline of an article help the reader 63 why is a headline used in a newspaper article 63 14. Finally, wrap up the lesson with a review of their conclusions about occasion, audience, purpose, style, diction, tone, details, paragraphing, and organization about newspaper articles. Ask students to underline or highlight the quotations in the article, identify the speaker s , and draw conclusions about the comments. When all the groups are finished about 20 minutes , let each group present its chart to the class.

Let students comment on the results in a helpful, encouraging manner, not derogatory. Give assignment: ask students to make a list of newsworthy events in their lives and to bring this list to class tomorrow. Tell the students to put the copies of the articles into their notebooks for tomorrow. Have them volunteer an item new puppy, won in softball, visited a special place, etc. Have students select one event they would want written up as a newspaper article. Put students in groups of three, not pairs sometimes a third person helps clarify to interview and to write an article about one of the others: a interviews b, b interviews c, and c interviews a.

Allow time for interviewing and information gathering and circulate around the room to monitor progress. Near the end of class, wrap up by reviewing the key elements of a newspaper article: headline, lead, specific details and quotations in body, and conclusion. Review the occasion, audience, purpose, style, tone, diction, detail, and organization of a newspaper article. Display chart for writing the newspaper article see associated file so that students can refer to it as they work. Near the end of class, tell students to put their work in their notebooks for tomorrow. Remind students of the importance of proofreading for conventions punctuation, capitalization, and spelling as they would for an fcat writes essay.

Review the basic rules of using commas, end marks, quotations, captalization, and spelling. Near the end of class, discuss with students the final presentation of their articles. Refer to the rubric for writing the newspaper article see associated file and tell students the final draft may be handwritten with sketches or composed on computer with a picture and/or graphic.


students gather information about a newsworthy event from classmates and write a newspaper article using that information. Use the rubric for writing the newspaper article see associated file to evaluate student work. Copy the chart for writing the newspaper article into their notebooks or journals. Suggest that they take selected events of their lives, or the lives of friends and family, and write these events up as newspaper articles in their notebooks or journals.

They can create newsletters containing their articles to give or mail to friends and family. Suggest that they try submitting newspaper articles about more public events to the local newspapers. Partner esol or ese students with proficient students who enjoy helping their peers. Allow the proficient students to assist the esol or ese students in recording information during the interviews.

Encourage the proficient student to go first and record information from the interview. Alternate interviewing and recording each other’s information with each question who/what/when/where/why/how , rather than conduct an entire interview and then switch to the other student. Allow the esol or ese student to record one relevant quotation rather than more than one. Allow both students more time to complete the assignment: the esol or ese may need more time to put it all together, but the proficient student shouldn’t feel pressured by time because he or she is helping another. Guide to grammar and writing: use while proofreading to review punctuation, capitalization, and spelling rules.

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instructor: ting chang course: 61 100: critical histories of art, center for arts and society, college of fine arts assessment: rubrics for assessing student writing reflection writing rubric research project writing rubric several challenges that emerged in a similar course that i taught for the college of humanities and social sciences also emerged in this course. This course is required for students in the college of fine arts, but very few students were used to the extensive reading and writing that the course involves.