Phd Thesis Review Report Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Admin may 10, 2015 report for bioinformatics review this report is very important to me to have good mark because it’s worth 30% of the final mark. Many previous students got bad score in this report so thats why i chose best essays to help me and also i chose the platinum quality to make sure that i can get good mark. The instruction for this report is easy and it is one page so please make sure to read it very carefully and i attached it already assignments will not be marked unless the turnitin assessment score is less than 10% note. Please note that this report is not to be an essay/literature review of a particular bioinformatics application.

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Prepare a report that illustrates some of the uses of bioinformatics in the biotechnology and/or research sector. The report should begin with a section that summarises the general field of bioinformatics, including the types of data that can be examined. This should be approximately one third of the report around 850 words , and should contain some references. The next part of the report must include several at least 3 specific examples of where bioinformatics has been applied by a company, research or medical institution to either develop a product or to assist in the diagnosis/treatment of a medical condition note that the product may be still under development.

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These examples should be reviewed in some detail, with literature published, patent and web based cited extensively. You can choose any products/therapeutic target you wish, examples may be cancer drugs or vaccines for treatment or microarrays for diagnosis , gene therapy, target identification, medical informatics, modelling, in silico screening etc. Also acceptable are examples where bioinformatics specific companies/organisations have developed software that is used by the biotechnology or medical sector. Remember that, in the lectures to come, you will hear about several techniques that may be applied to your task see the lecture schedule. Place this order with us and get 18% discount now! to earn your discount enter this code:special18  if you need assistance chat with us now by clicking the live chat button. Describe what is well done on the questionnaire, and identify areas in which it might be strengthened with regard to design and wording. What is the significance of the decisions made about design and wording? how might changes to this questionnaire better reflect its objectives? next, design eight additional questions that you, as a researcher working on this project, might ask.

Some parts of the questionnaire may be too light and hard to read, but this was as good as i could do when printing and scanning the pages from the book. If you cant read all of the attached pages, just do the best you can to complete the assignment anyway. No page number should be indicated on title page, supervisors certificates, declaration and acknowledgement, however pages are to counted from title page. line spacing: 1.5 font: times new roman, size 10/12 for text, larger fonts may be used for headings amp subheadings.

folded diagram/charts: these should be arranged so as to open to the top and right. text: before producing the final copies of a thesis/project report the candidate should ensure that all the spelling, grammar, punctuation and bibliography is complete and exact. New phd students are required to complete a formal phd registration exercise before the end of the easter term of their first year of study or second year for a part time student or where the student registry has approved a different time frame , to determine whether or not they should be registered for the phd degree and be permitted to continue work on their thesis. The phd registration exercise is an examination that aims to provide advice and constructive criticism to students about their phd project based on a formal discussion which sets out to establish the feasibility of the research topic, timetable proposed, approach being used and progress to date. The exercise will be carried out by two assessors, neither of whom should be the student's supervisor or co supervisor if appointed.

The student's advisor may be an assessor as long as there is no potential for a conflict of interest. Shortly before the registration exercise, students are required to submit a piece of written work approx 10,0 words , a thesis plan, the form with part 1 completed, and an up to date phd log to the assessors for discussion at the meeting. The supervisor may be invited to attend but will not be formally involved in the assessors' decision on whether or not to recommend registration for the phd. The supervisor will report separately on the student's progress and make his or her own recommendation via a 'registration report' submitted through the graduate supervision reporting system. After the registration meeting the assessors will report and make a recommendation to the degree committee and will include any feedback they wish to provide for the student and supervisor. The degree committee will consider the assessors' reports together with the supervisor's recommendation and make a recommendation to the student registry. The recommendation will be either

    registered for the phd or registered for a lower degree e.g.

    Mlitt or mphil and/or be offered a further assessment for the purposes of reviewing your status. If offered, this assessment will be completed before the submission of your thesis for examination for the lower degree or certificate or allowed to revise and resubmit the registration documents after a defined period for a second progress examination or removed permanently from the register of graduate students and not be permitted to continue to study.

timetable: new phd students will be informed of the requirements of the first year registration exercise at their induction meeting in october. Students and supervisors will be reminded of the process and asked to nominate assessors at the start of lent term. The exercise must be complete by the last day of easter full term usually mid june and reports including the supervisor's report and recommendations submitted to the degree committee for consideration at the last meeting of the academic year late june/early july. At the end of each year you will need to submit a substantial piece of work approx 10,0 words , a thesis plan, a progress report and an updated phd progress log to be read by your supervisor and advisor.

Following this meeting, your supervisor and advisor will write a report on your progress. Their report should be submitted to the degree committee in time for the last degree committee meeting of the year usually late june or early july. The main purpose of the annual review is to ensure you are making good progress with your phd it should also be used to identify any training requirements you may have, to keep you on target to submit within four years, and to highlight any problems that might prevent you from doing so. If satisfactory progress has not been made an action plan will be drawn up and a further meeting will be arranged. If you are in receipt of an ahrc award or the equivalent, your supervisor must report to the funding agency by the end of june each year. The ahrc will not renew an award for the next academic year until the report has been submitted and assessed. Has the external review team been assembled yet, and can you provide any information about likely disciplinary composition? the external review team has been partially assembled and will be announced in full by december 31, 2015.  it will be led by a sitting graduate dean from a peer institution whose disciplinary field is in the social sciences.

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The remaining members will be respected colleagues from peer institutions who will review a program in their discipline. Will the graduate council be able to provide any feedback on the self studies prior to the panel visit? the graduate council is not currently scheduled to provide official feedback on the self study documents prior to the panel visit. What are the dates of the external committee visit? the dates of the external committee visit have not yet been finalized. The visit will occur mid march 2016 the exact dates will be announced once the team has been finalized.

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Where do i get information for table 5.1 section 5.1 program faculty ? a customized report is available in digital measures to assist you in the preparation of table 5.1. Please go to digital measures and run the phd program review table 5.1 report for the period july 1, 2010 through june 30, 2015 the previous five academic years. note that faculty may have to update grant activity, publications, and graduate student completion dates for the report to be accurate. ogps can assist departments in identifying the key fields that need to be completed in order to make the report accurate, but a good place to start if the report documentation which you can obtain by clicking on details of how this report is built on the report generation page. Should we include research professors and emeriti/emeritae professions in the list of program faculty section 5.1 program faculty ? if research or emeriti/ae professors can supervise graduate students as major advisors and chairs of thesis committees , then they should be included.  please list only those faculty who have supervised students during the previous five years. This may require some editing of the report table 5.1 generated from digital measures. How do we calculate time to degree section 5.4 former students ?  ogps will calculate time to degree for each graduate program and provide this information to you as soon as it is ready.  we estimate that it will be available in mid september. In general, time to degree should be calculated from the time a student enrolls at tulane for graduate studies regardless of whether or not they come in with a master's degree or first obtain a master's before the phd until the time they degree is conferred august, december or may of the academic year.

Official leaves of absence granted by the dean have not been included in ogps' calculation because we had no way of knowing what they are. If you believe the time to degree calculation for a particular student is incorrect, please consult with ogps to request a revision. With the increasing number of scholars opting for higher education, they are undertaking research work and look for a professional service that can provide skilled support. We at dissertation india are offering thesis services for phd and master's courses.