Pro Life Essay on Abortion Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Abortion is an extremely controversial issue and one that many people can have very strong feelings for on both sides of the debate. Those who support abortion rights argue that it is a woman’s choice what to do with her body. Although, the unborn baby inside a woman is still a person living, and terminating that pregnancy is the same thing as murder. Abortion is honestly wrong because the laws prohibiting abortion help to keep people from playing god for selfish reasons. According to the guttmacher institute, in the united states about 1.6 million pregnancies end in abortion. Women with incomes under eleven thousand dollars are over three times more likely to abort than those with incomes above twenty five thousand.

Which shows that woman have abortions because they can not pay for their own child. Why should anyone kill a human when they did not do anything wrong? the one making a mistake is the person who is having an abortion. Unmarried women are four to five times more likely to have abortions than married and the abortion rate has doubled for 18 and 19 year olds. Rate dropped 6 percent overall, but the rate of abortion among girls younger than 15 jumped 18 percent.

This is showing that the younger the girl, the higher the abortion rate might be. The most popular procedure involved in abortions is the vacuum aspiration which is done during the first trimester three months or less since the women has become pregnant. The second most commonly used type of trimester abortion is called dilation and evacuation. Since the fetus is big, has bones, and can move, second trimester is not as easy. Once most of the fetus and placenta are vacuumed out tweezers are used to remove the larger parts. After this, the mother is given substances which puts her into labor and delivers the fetus, as she would a full term baby. The american civil liberties union says that, almost 40 percent of americans believe that abortion should remain legal and 40 percent believe it should be banned except when the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother or is the result of rape or incest.

Although abortion is cared for as a women's right, it should be banned with exceptions because it's considered murder and has many psychological side effects. On the other hand, opponents think that the main issue that pro life people have with abortion is that they believe it causes an unborn child to suffer. However, many children whose mothers want to have an abortion have a reasonable cause and the child is better off being aborted. Why should we make innocent, young children suffer with being beaten, born addicted to crack, and being raped when these women could simply have an abortion? the pro life kids are the ones who shun other children who are from low income families. Instead of worrying about abortion, it is critical that we worry about children already alive who are being tortured by abusive parents and who are living in poverty. Would anyone want to be born addicted to crack and have withdrawal symptoms and be neglected? wouldn't it be better to just go back to heaven with god, who takes better care of them? abortion is a women's own right and choice. Wade decision proved this by recognizing abortion as a fundamental constitution right and made it legal in all states.

The cq researcher online says that, the law now permits abortion at the request of the women without any restrictions in the first trimester and some restrictions in the second trimester to protect the women's health. Wade, no one defends the right to abortion in fundamental, moral terms, which is why the pro abortion rights forces are on the defensive. Abortion rights advocates should not cede the terms pro life and right to life to the anti abortionists. It is a womans right to her life that gives her the right to terminate her pregnancy. Nor should abortion rights advocates keep hiding behind the phrase a womans right to choose. Does she have the right to choose murder? thats what abortion would be, if the fetus were a person.

The status of the embryo in the first trimester is the basic issue that cannot be sidestepped. The embryo is clearly pre human only the mystical notions of religious dogma treat this clump of cells as constituting a person. But what it actually is during the first trimester is a mass of relatively undifferentiated cells that exist as a part of a womans body. If we consider what it is rather than what it might become, we must acknowledge that the embryo under three months is something far more primitive than a frog or a fish. If we are to accept the equation of the potential with the actual and call the embryo an unborn child, we could, with equal logic, call any adult an undead corpse and bury him alive or vivisect him for the instruction of medical students. It is not an independently existing, biologically formed organism, let alone a person. Rights belong only to individuals, not to collectives or to parts of an individual.