Research Paper Buddhism Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 550 words 1.6 double spaced pages rating: red free from the beginning of time, many religious groups and colts have formed. There is one that some people really don’t have the clear and defined meaning of. Where it originates from and the many different buddhist schools around the world. Buddhism is a path of practice and spiritual growth that shows the true nature of life.

Some of the buddhist practices such as meditation are ways of changing people in order to develop awareness, kindness, and wisdom. Since buddhism doesn’t consist of worshipping an actual god, some people don’t see it as an actual religion. Change in the buddhist belief is very possible oppose to any other religion such as christianity.

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Buddhism addresses itself to all people regardless of race, nationality, or gender. In john snellings book, the buddhist handbook, he said buddhist believe that a person can change for the better. Buddhist practice meditation to develop more positive states of mind that are characterized by calm, concentration, awareness, and emotions such as friendliness. This statement is true because almost every time you see a person that practices buddhism get upset they start meditating to ease their mind.

Soon after buddha’s death or par nirvana, five hundred monks met at the first council at rajagrha, under the leadership of kashyapa. Ananda, buddha’s cousin friend and favorite disciple and a man of prodigious memory! recited buddha’s lessons the sutras. Other monks, to be translated into the many languages of the indian plains, then committed these to memory. Legend has it that the chinese emperor ming ti had dream which led him to send his agents down to silk road the ancient trade route between china and the west to discover its meaning.

The agent returned with a picture of the buddha and a copy of the sutra in 42 sections. Encyclopedia of eastern philosophy and religion through out the years buddhism has been taught throughout china. During the sui dynasty and the t’ang dynasty, chinese buddhism experienced what is referred to as the blossoming of schools.

I n the time of the blossoming of schools chinese began to learn more and more about buddha and his beliefs. Buddhism is not only practiced in china, but in several other countries across the world. Some people fell more comfortable with this beliefs because it has the tendacy to relax you’re mind. Today it is believed that buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world, after chrisianity, islam, and hinduism.

23 feb 2016

essay, research paper: buddhism

free religion research papers were donated by our members/visitors and are presented free of charge for informational use only. The essay or term paper you are seeing on this page was not produced by our company and should not be considered a sample of our research/writing service. We are neither affiliated with the author of this essay nor responsible for its content. If you need high quality, fresh and competent research / writing done on the subject of religion, use the professional writing service offered by our company. I had never heard about evolution and other religions until i was in high school. In this class we learned about all of the religions, how they operated, and what they believed.

I didnt know much, but what i did know seemed so much different and it really caught my eye. It can be defined as, large raft buddhism one of the two branches of buddhism, dominant in east asia and vietnam. Niwano, 87 88 and theravada is defined as, way of the elders surviving school of one of the two branches of buddhism, found in southeast asia. Niwano, 87 88 the theravada buddhism has dated back to as late as sixth century b.c.e., and its was founded in one of the countries that it flourishes in today, southeast asia. The believers may not know what the significance of his life is, but they do know that he is of great importance. His middle way of thinking and living was a path between self denial and self indulgence.

Like many religious books, this book started as stories told by mouth, before they were written down. Gombrish, 23 on the contrary, mahayana buddhism says that any person possesses the ability to become a buddha. In this branch of buddhism there are three forms of buddha, the earthly body, siddhartha, another heavenly body, amithaba, and those who inhabit the fully spirited realm. Admission into such a place is rebirth and once there you are considered to be in a state of nirvana. Zen is the place that teaches skepticism about ordinary language and mocks attempts to explain truth rationally. One of the main ideas of zen id that we all are and can be buddha, but it is a matter of us convincing ourselves that we are not. We do this by becoming attached to the pleasures of this world and the diversity of objects we think that we see.

But we also fool ourselves by thinking that we need to escape the world that we know. The truth lies within, for only there can we awaken to reality that there is no distinction between ourselves and the rest of reality. It is sometimes said that zen does not use any philosophy or scripture, but this is just to the buddha himself. The difference with zen and many other religions is that once one is enlightened he would not withdraw from the world, but he would go on with the same daily routine. The atheistic religion does not believe that there is a central role for a personal god or gods.

They focus on personal deities who have a small role in the final transformation. Buddhism claims that gods have no role to play in human liberation, any more than any other person or spirit. Each person must find his or her own destiny and final path to spiritual redemption.

Buddhism, like jainism, is atheistic in a functional rather than a theoretical sense. Functional atheism is not concerned about the question of the existence of gods it only knows whether they exist or not, they are irrelevant to human destiny. Carter,253 as many other religions buddhists practice many holidays and religious ceremonies. There are few religious festivals in buddhism that are observed by all buddhists at the same time. This is due partially to the nature of buddhism's historical development and partially to the impact of the regions and countries buddhism entered. On the one hand, because of the differences in the structure of belief among theravada mahayana and vajrayana and among the different schools of mahayana, there is no one event or person who is understood in the same manner, and thus worshipped in the same manner. So although all forms of buddhism celebrate the buddha's life, they do so at different times.