Research Paper of George Washington Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 661 words 1.9 double spaced pages rating: red free washington was born in westmore county, virginia, on february 22, 1732. Washington spent most of his early childhood on the ferry farm in fredricksburg, virginia. Washington spent his early adult years as a farmer and as a surveyor until he was appointed adjutant for the southern district of virginia by lieutenant governor robert dinwiddle. In 1753, dinwiddle warned the french to stop their infringements on the ohio valley land that was claimed by the king.

His party consisted of an interpreter, a guide, two men that were experienced traders with the native americans, and two others. Washington left in november from cumberland, maryland, and traveled to fort le boeuf. Washington was next appointed lieutenant colonel to an expedition to the ohio valley. In april, 1754, he set out from alexandria with 160 men to reinforce a fort in southwestern pennsylvania, only to find that the french took control of the fort and renamed it fort duquesne. Washington then cautiously set up his own post within 40 miles of the french position. The french then took controlled of it with 700, men and forced washington to surrender.

He had to then sign paper saying that he would not build a fort on the ohio valley for one year. Washington was elected to the house of burgesses in 1758 and served for seventeen years. He was elected to the first continental congress in 1774 and to the second continental congress in 1775 because of his service in the house of burgesses and his response to the british policies. After fighting between massachusetts and the british broke out in 1775, congress named washington of the new continental army.

He was first in charge of a small force in boston and then moved his army to new york in march, 1776, when the british evacuated boston. He was then defeated in new york by general william howe and then left new york and retreated to northern new jersey. On the morning of december 26, 1776, washington captured trenton with a surprise attack. With these two victories washington restored patriot espirit , and by that spring there were 8,0 new recruits. There his army experienced some of the worst conditions such as lack of warmth and disease.

In 1780 washington heard that the french landed in chesapeake bay to have a land and sea attack on the british in virginia, so he marched south with about 10 american and 60 french troops under the comte de rochambeau. Washington told marquis de lafayette to prevent cornwallis from leaving yorktown. On october 19, 1781, washington surrounded cornwallis and forced him to surrender. In 1787, washington was elected as a delegate to the constitutional convention, but was chosen president. In 1788 and in 1782 washington was elected the first president of the united states. 23 feb 2016

essay, research paper: george washington

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free famous people research papers were donated by our members/visitors and are presented free of charge for informational use only.

The essay or term paper you are seeing on this page was not produced by our company and should not be considered a sample of our research/writing service. We are neither affiliated with the author of this essay nor responsible for its content. If you need high quality, fresh and competent research / writing done on the subject of famous people, use the professional writing service offered by our company. George washington was one of the founding fathers of the united states of america. He served as commander in chief of the continental army during the revolutionary war, and later served as the first president of the united states. His thoughts and ideas helped mold the united states into the great country that it is today. George washington was born on february 22, 1732 in westmoreland county, virginia.

American History Term Paper

He received no formal education, but he read geography, military history, agriculture, deportment, and composition. Washington later developed a powerful and convincing style of speech and writing. He enjoyed sports and social occasions, and he later became a surveyor for landowners on the virginia frontier. George washington was elected president of the united states in 1789, and in new york city on april 30, 1789, he took the oath of office as president of the united states at age 57. After the ballot he wrote, my movements to the chair of government will be accompanied by feeling not unlike those of a culprit, who is going to the place of his execution. Washington's task was to organize a government but also create a role for the highest officer of the new nation. He appointed alexander hamilton secretary of treasury and thomas jefferson secretary of state.