Cold War Cause And Effect Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Because the cold war doubles as a conflict between two countries the usa and the ussr and between two ideologies capitalism and communism several different causes can be suggested: 1. Because capitalism and communism are usually seen as antithetical, it can be argued that the cold war began when communism began, in 1917 with the russian revolution. Or, if not quite in 1917, then in early 1920s, when lenin and his bolsheviks consolidated their power in russia and tried to spread communism to the west, to europe on the blade of their swordsalthough they were rather quickly unsuccessful, being defeated by the poles in the polish soviet war 1919 1921. Another commonly argued cause of the cold war is, fittingly enough, the beginning of world war ii in europe: 1939. The soviet union, now under stalin, had signed a secret pact with germany's hitler, and both countries attacked poland in september of that year. However, the most popular cause of the cold war was not the beginning, but the end of world war ii: 1945.

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Stalin, after being betrayed by hitler in 1941, finished the war on the allied side, but the tensions between the victorious western powers and the ussr were already in evidence. The ussr was gobbling up the countries east of germany, and part of germany itself, which made the americans and british somewhat hesitant. The british feared too strong a soviet presence in europe and the americans wanted a free and open germany which would become a large market for its products. In fact, american general george patton once famously remarked that when the americans had gotten to berlin, they should have kept going on to moscow! 4. Finally, probably the latest starting date and cause for the cold war that's been argued is 1947, the year in which the soviets acquired the knowledge to make nuclear weapons. Because the cold war is so heavily wrapped up into nuclear technologyand technology in generalsome will argue that it was caused by the soviet challenge to american nuclear power, which had been demonstrated at hiroshima and nagasaki at the end of world war ii. The most important thing to keep in mind when looking at the cause of the cold war is that there is no one, definite cause.

The cold war was a conflict that was ideological, that grew out of world war iiwhich, itself, grew out of world war i and its aftermathand that was fought in various ways. Hence, the key when deciding on the cause of the cold war is not which cause you choose, but how well you argue the one you do. What were the causes of the cold war.

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And the most disappointing development of the post war era? there were many complex causes of the cold war between the united states and the soviet union. The us and the ussr always had their differences, especially when it came to the role of the government. Introduction the cold war was the name given to the economic, political, military and ideological rivalry that took place between the united states and its allies and the soviet union and their allies after world war ii. The two powers never directly engaged in military action because both had nuclear. In 1945, after world war ii, there was an end to the alliance between the united states, britain, and the ussr.

If all of this hadn’t been a problem, a rivalry between communist and capitalist societies had led to what is known today as the cold war. It has been known to this day that the cold war not only had many causes but also had many effects. From the arms race to the cuban missile crisis, it all had a great impact on society, economy, and politics.

The cold war was called the cold war , because it didn’t actually lead up to a hot conflict, it just kind of led away from using weapons. At the end of world war ii, germany was divided into four sections of occupations that were controlled by britain, france, the soviet union, and the united states. A lack of agreement on germany to be unified marked the beginning of the cold war. After the cold war, the united states had new technologies that people these days would not be able to live without.

It began as military use only, but later a bill was passed saying that civilians were allowed to have access to the internet. Most of the advancements made during the cold war were invented for military use, but were eventually allowed to be used by everyone else. The cold war brought about several changes in the society and social attitudes of this nation. The cold war was not a military conflict, but was an ongoing political conflict involving both military and economic competition. The evolvement of the cold war began during and after world war i, although the official beginning of the cold war was in 1945, at the yalta conference.

The causes of the cold war were many, but can be summed up as a battle between capitalism and communism, along with president truman's disliking joseph stalin, the desire of russia to spread communism throughout the world, russia's fear of america's a bomb, america refusing to share its nuclear secrets, russia's fear of an attack from america, the need for russia to secure its western border, and the expansion of russia into eastern europe. In the 1920's and on into the 1930's, america stayed its course with non recognition of the soviet union. In addition, spreading word of the soviet union's our writers can help get your essay back on track, take a look at our services to learn more about how we can help. Essay writing service essay marking service place an order support for anti american activities in china and in latin america, was not helping.

The containment strategy came about in 1946, when george kennan, a diplomat at the us embassy in moscow, sent a telegram referred to as the long telegram, on february 22. He also published an anonymous article from a july 1947 issue of foreign affairs. Kennan felt that president franklin roosevelt had based the dealings of the united states with the soviet union, on assumptions that, in his mind, were completely off base. President roosevelt believed that with joseph stalin no longer calling all the shots, the soviet union would want the same things as america and her allies.

America would need to be both patient and vigilant where the soviet union was concerned. On march 12, 1947, in an effort to stop the continuing spread of communism, president harry s. Truman gave a speech, in which he presented his foreign policy, supporting free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures. This speech, made before congress, was a clear expression of the policies of his administration and was known as the truman doctrine. In june 1947, in a speech at harvard, secretary of state, george marshall presented the marshall plan, offering financial aid from america.

The purpose was to help europe's economy recover from damage done by world war ii. Europe was allowed to spend the financial aid however they wanted as long as they did not use it to buy military supplies. The cia, also created in 1947, was to secretly funnel money to noncommunist parties, labor unions, news publications, and charitable organizations. This effort did help to limit the influence of pro communist organizations thus hindering the spread of to ensure european defense resources were safe, the united states formed the articles of the north atlantic treaty organization nato. The treaty further stated an attack on any member of nato would be considered an attack against all. The united nations was created to serve as the peace keepers and ensure global safety.

Beginning in 1945, when the united states dropped the first atomic bomb in japan. America was not only engaged in a nuclear arms race with the soviet union but were also not competing in the race for space. President john in order to gain control over berlin, the soviet union blocked the railways of the western allies in hopes of berlin being dependent on them for food and resources. Western allies formed and organization to fly food and supplies by aircraft to west berlin. Soon after the soviet union lifted the blockade in may of 1949, resulting in the split of germany into two states. I believe the cold war was inevitable and could not have been avoided because it's simply a struggle between two fundamentally different political and economical systems, capitalism versus communism.