Current Events Article Review Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Current events awareness / media literacy raising student awareness of global issues is increasingly important as the countries of the world become more interdependent. At the same time, consuming domestic news with a critical eye is vital to enhancing democracy and defeating narrow mindedness. Students also need an understanding of the world rsquo s economy, politics, social structures and environment in order to make the best decisions about how to live their own lives. More than ever, an appreciation for news and our civic institutions is a key step toward self empowerment and advancement.

To get students to understand the importance of current events and the global community they are all a part of, encourage students to go through the now online archive at 2. When the class has finished viewing, engage them by asking: how do you think the people involved feel about what is happening? what if this was happening in your community mdash would it matter to you? why? what concerns do you have about what you viewed? what effect could the events in this program have on you directly or indirectly? 3. Distribute the current events affect everyone activity sheet and review the directions.

Review the questions on the current events affect everyone handout. Distribute copies of a selected transcript/article use the topic search feature at 4. Focus first on the graphic organizer and the various results predicted by students. Conclude the exercise by discussing questions 1 7 and the importance of paying attention to current events. To help students learn more about current events, have them work individually, in pairs, or in small groups to complete one of the current events projects outlined on the similarly titled handout. Remind students to record their opinion poll findings and quotes carefully so that the information they provide from their surveys can be considered a reliable resource. Provide 20 30 minutes of class time for students to formulate their ideas and begin work on the project.

When the projects have been completed, allow each student/pair/group to present their work to at least two other students/pairs/groups. When presentations are completed, have students post their projects in a prominent place in the school or community so others can see and learn from them. Use this link to find local newspapers and broadcasting stations: create a one page proposal for addressing a current problem highlighting either a solution or a plan for increased exposure conceive a new non profit or for profit organization dedicated to solving a local or national problem. Students should consider the organization rsquo s name, mission statement, and means of effecting change and funding itself.

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Examples of such institutions can be found at produce an audio or video podcast or radio program of editorials addressing the need for more attention or solutions to the issue. Current event article analysis titled: yes: there are limits to the right to bear arms source: union tribune or signonsandiego this article discusses the amendment about gun control specifically the right to bear arms. The controversy is whether or not the district is bound to the same laws and amendments that the rest of the united states is. Supreme court vote to allow citizens to bear arms or should the 30 year old ban be erased. This article briefly discusses the current rights of mainland american citizens and their rights to bearing arms. Although its an amendment for a citizen of the united states to bear arms most people today probably won’t ever need to or have to.

I believe that yes we do have a problem with gun control within the united states. And my first thoughts about this issue raised in the article are that the supreme court should continue to ban weapons within the district of columbia. Guns it won’t make the country any better it will just make it self more vulnerable for violent crimes with weapons to take place.

Now some might argue that if the united states should impose the same laws on columbia as it does on its states to make it fair for everyone but i don’t believe that’s the best thing to do in every case. I really don’t see to how not continuing to ban guns within the district of columbia will make it a better place. This article is very historical and has facts within it that date back to the 1700’s. Specifically the presidential elections and how each and every year cartoonist depicts the candidates as a some sort of superhuman. I believe that this article gives people some background on political cartoons and how they have helped play a part within the u.s. The article talks about numerous presidents and how during their respective elections the cartoonist would have they way depicting them as frat boys, drunks, ruthless strongman, and teddy bears are a few to name.

Each and every year cartoonist and comic artists have their field day making fun of potential political figures. So in today’s world you could pull up a cartoon comedy of george bush on you tube. Titled: mccain’s canal zone birth prompts queries about whether that rules him out. Just by reading the title of the article some may not know what is going to be discussed. But it fact this article talks about something very critical about the up coming election. Although this issue has popped up before it has never been really tested or argued.

What if we had a legitimate candidate for president but he was born in france or london does that make him any less qualified to be a american president i don’t see why not. The issue, which came up with senator john mccain was that, he was born in military installations in the canal zone of panama. Why you might ask was he born there and the answer to that is that his father was serving his military duty to this country. Mccain shouldn’t be disqualified or not equipped to run this country if in deed he won the 2008 presidential elections. Were barry goldwater who was born in arizona three years before it became a state. But again neither of the candidates would have a chance to test their luck against congress or the houses to allow for a president to be born outside of the united states. But other than that it shouldn’t make someone not eligible to run for presidency.

And the answer to that million dollar question is arnold schwarzenegger isn’t allowed to run for president due a clause with in our constitution, which was written over 200 years ago. It states that in order to run for president the individual must be naturally born or born within the united states. The articles sub headline i thought was kind of cute because it says, arnold can’t run for president because the founding fathers didn’t want a foreign king. And after thinking about for a little bit i understand why our founding fathers didn’t want a foreign king. The reason was is because the american settlers left great britain seeking independence for their freedom.

So with that being said americans at the time didn’t want someone who was born outside of the country come in and take over. You might say that this article is exactly the same as my previous article but in fact they are entirely different. The article is talking about how a person who is born outside of the country could come to the u.s. At the age of 2 or so from wherever and they could become a citizen, enlist in the army, win a medal of honor for their duty, find a cure to the disease that kill millions of people but that person who did all that good for our country would still not be fit to serve in our nation’s capital.

Overall it’s a very tough topic to find a right answer for but for the time being we have to go with what we know and that is follow our founding fathers because they are the one’s who got us to the point we are at. Titled: teacher fired for refusing to sign a loyalty oath by: richard paddock staff writer this is my most recent article and although it might be the least historical significant i feel it has some significance in our history. It’s about a teacher who was fired from the cal state system because she wouldn’t sign a loyalty oath, which stated that they would defend this country, and from domestic and foreign enemies. But just because someone is from a different background or belief system should they be fired from a job. Yes the teacher who got fired wendy go aver was a quaker and stated she was a pacifist but that doesn’t make her a bad person or not educated enough to teach.

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