Essay About Love for Reading Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The ability to read is highly valued and very important for social and economic advancement. Even though it usually too early of an age to expect a child to read, there is no reason why the parent cannot start the reading process by reading aloud to them. Instilling reading into a childs life can prove to be one of the most valuable skills that they will ever learn. As a result from reading books, the child will be more likely to read and speak in front of people. One of the effects that reading has on a person is the ability to understand more terms or words, over a period of time.

Reading can be a challenge but is one that must be met accordingly: in order to succeed. Image source: reading books can develop a persons comprehension by learning new words. The easiest way to do this is to look up words in the dictionary that are not understood when they are first read. Writing these words down and reciting them aloud also help to establish them in memory. Incorporating these new words in everyday speaking will increase language skills and boost confidence in the speaker as well.

Along the same lines of comprehension, the growth of vocabulary is also very important. Having a large vocabulary is not only impressive but also useful in many areas of public speaking. For example, many politicians say the same things over and over again, and to the untrained listener this might go on unnoticed. Many different words have the same meaning, or as they are more commonly referred to are synonyms. Upon looking up a word in the dictionary, one might be surprised to realize that they already know the definition to it. Crosschecking these words and learning the different synonyms to them are establishing a vocabulary. As a result of reading books over a period of time, a learning process is formed.

In summary, although only two effects are mentioned within this essay, there are a great many benefits to be gained from reading books. It is proven that in this technological society, the demands for higher levels of literacy are creating unfavorable consequences for those who fall short. Sharing books with a child is an active approach to the learning of lifelong language skills and to ensure future success. I don’t know much about epictetus and stoic philosophy – in fact, that’s pretty much the biggest understatement i’ll likely make all year – but when i happened across this passage from sharon lebell’s translation of the philosopher’s the art of living i was still struck by it, and i was nodding my head along with it in rather fervent agreement. If you’re taking the time to read this blog then you’re probably already a big fan of books and if so, i hope you find that little piece as satisfying as i did , but i think it’s still such an invaluable reminder to have with us. And for the people who don’t read so often it’s a perfect illustration of the importance of reading, and for the people who read for the sake of fulfilling some sort of pretension or cliché it’s a wake up call.

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I’ve seen people – people who are passionate about books – behave in ways that makes me wonder if they really understand what books are about after all. It’s a question i’ve found posed to me in one form or another – people who don’t read, who don’t understand the allure of it, have tried to find ways to ask without being too blunt. I’m sure all bookworms have likely faced the question of ‘why’ a few times in their literary lives.

I should add that i’m never offended by it – on the contrary, ask any book lover why she reads and you’ll likely get a rhapsody in response. But it’s also about having the opportunity to escape, to travel through the power and astonishing visual of words. As a writer, as someone passionate about words, books allow me to connect with other devotees of the art, to see how other artists use the craft. And, i think perhaps more than anything else, a long time ago i discovered in books a sense of enrichment more powerful than anything i’ve felt before. Through every book, any book – not just the classics, or the popular ones, or the ones that have been lauded with awards – i’ve grown, and my ideas have grown, and the way i see the world has evolved.

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When i finish a book it doesn’t become unimportant to me, or useless in any way, because every book is a journey and every book is, in some way, a piece of my life, maybe even a piece of my character. And when i say that i read to educate myself that doesn’t mean i stock up on those monstrously difficult books that will give me the opportunity to add more obscure words to my highbrow vocabulary arsenal. I like books that challenge me to understand language, to understand writing, but the learning goes beyond that. I read to educate myself about my own mind, about other personalities, and about the perplexing, compelling world around me. As a result i think reading has affected the way i live, the way i consider just about everything i come across in life, the way i treat others, and even the way i see myself.

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I try, very much, to live what books have taught me – and to live the joy they’ve brought to me. If someone said, based on my conversation or behavior or anything else, she seems like a girl who reads then i’ll feel like i’m doing something right, because i’m letting the books i’ve read work through me. Amazingly enough, i feel like reading has made me a better writer and at the same time writing has made me a better reader. So as a point of discussion, or just for the pure fun of talking about something we all love so much, let me know: why do you read? country inns amp suites by carlson is excited to announce the winners of the why i love to read essay promotion! in celebration of national literacy month, country inns amp suites partnered with random house, llc to offer a fun promotion for young readers and their parents. To enter, parents asked their young reader why they loved to read, then submitted an essay of up to 400 words that answered that question. Winners were selected at random from three age categories, and each received a library of 52 age appropriate books from random house – one for each week of the year. Read each of the winning essays below:

7 9 age group – stacy amp karina h.

find out why karina loves to read: one reason i love to read is that reading is magic.

There are dragons and fairies and magical creatures who can disappear and reappear. At first, i wasnt a big reader, because chapter books seemed like they would take too long. After that i started reading chapter books with stories about horses, magic, unicorns, and dragons. I also love to read books about crafts to get ideas about things i can make myself. Another reason i love to read is that i get to share the stories with my brother.

My mom is a big reader and she reads with me almost every day, and it gives us time to be together. I go to the library sometimes to find books, and have at least 150 books or more that i own. I like reading because it is fun, it teaches me new things, and it gives me time to spend with my family.

10 12 age group – susan amp emily n.

find out why emily loves to read: i love to read because there are a lot of great books and they tell interesting stories. I also like the wimpy kid books because they are funny and about a kid in middle school.