Essay on Should Drugs Be Legalised Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

introduction: nowadays some most of young people use some type of drugs, despite of the fact they are illegal. Cannabis is the general term applied internationally to the indian hemp plant, cannabis sativa, when the plant is used for its pleasure giving effects. Types of preparations: resin hashish and dried flowers and leaves marijuana, grass, pot. Chemicals found in the plant can relieve pain in people suffering illnesses like multiple sclerosis and arthritis. Also it may be used in the chemotherapy treatement used in cancer patients to prevent some highly stressful side effects nausea, vomiting. Cannabis is often contaminated with some toxic components which may cause more harm than the substance itself.

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Countries which have experimented with decriminalisation have not encountered massive increases in use. There are some people which use drugs basically because they are illegal exciting and dangerous, a thrill. Cannabis causes people to be calm and peaceful, unlike alcohol which often leads to violence.

cons of legalisation: all drug use has some dangers, there is no need for anyone to risk their health. This may lead to a person saying or doing something they would not normally do, or taking risks which may put them in danger. Legalisation could make cannabis socially acceptable and so encourage use of this substance and others more dangerous. If you or your friends use cannabis it may result in you/them not willing to study, socialise, play sport or go out.

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Some scientists believe that teenage cannabis smokers develop the so called amotivational syndrome. It consists of losing all desire to work or compete, introversion, passivity, unability to concentrate for long periods, loss of the ability to express speaking and writing. conclusion. looking on both sides of this controversial issue/topic, i think that. Some main products associated with organized crime are guns, drugs and prostitution. What effects do these commodities have on today's society? today drugs are a big business in the underworld.

There is a lot of crime associated with the drug world, so many people who want drugs legalized say that the government could control the sales and ultimately bring down the crime rate and also make lots of money off it. If you look at holland, that is what the government did and it did have an effect on crime. When we look at this issue we have to take into account our values and apply them to this situation and then come up with our own position, individually. Positive and negative consequences if the government controlled the sales they could stand to make a lot of money through taxes.

People would use it more and addictions would rise, costing money for rehab centres. Organized crime may be reduced, therefore lowering the crime rate and making our streets safer. The government could control the amount coming in and where it comes from, therefore makit it safer not as potent or contaminated. If it were privatized a few would stand to make a lot of money like the privitization of liquor stores in some provinces. Organized crime would find something else to sell even more deadlier or they could rebel and fight back. Positive consequences negative consequences in society today there always seems to be debate on whether the legalization of drugs would be of great public interest.

It is said that the legalization of drugs would end all illegal drug activities, however people in our civilized society must understand that if drugs were to be legal it would make an already large problem, become out of control. If one examines the arguments behind drug legalization, it will become clearer that it will not be in favour for anyone. The first point i would like to make is that recently we have seen on the news and other forms of media the massive busts that have been made on drug related arrests the last recorder incident showed the australian federal police busting an import of drugs that had a total street value of almost 500 million dollars. This is evidence of the severity of the case and how much damage it could cause to our way of life.

Illicit drugs first become in great perspective when a person reaches their teenage years. In the few years of being a teenager a person is subjected to many lifestyle changes and experiences, which include parties, concerts and raves. At these places a person may think that everyone around them is taking illicit drugs for the fun and end up thinking that it is socially accepted and end up experimenting for themselves. Drugs affect different people in different ways, however no effect is beneficial. In the case of illicit drugs, there is no price or quality controls on the illicit drugs such as heroin and ecstasy. This means that a user can never be sure that the drug they are taking is in fact what they think it is for example, pma which is a toxic form of amphetamine has been sold as ecstasy. Should cannabis be legalised in the uk? most people have their own opinion on whether or not cannabis should be legalised but the reasons behind these opinions are not always correct and justifiable.

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