Essay Topics My First Day At School Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Give your impressed on that day. my first day at school is a day i will never forget. I went to school for the first time when i was only seven years old but i can recollect all the happenings on that day. For sometime, i found myself helpless, but it did not take much time for me to be friendly with other students. When i told him my story, the teacher punished the boys, and from that time onwards they stopped bullying me. Below is an essay on my first day of high school from anti essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples. As the years went by, high school only became more challenging and a bit overwhelming.

I struggled for a little while because i wanted to go out with my friends instead of doing my work. Learning to balance having fun and doing my work was necessary if i wanted to get accepted into a good college. In my senior year i am now using everything i have learned and built on throughout my high school experience.

I have become a critical thinker and my points of view on things have changed drastically. In my four years of high school i also became well rounded and became better in my time management. I can honestly say that high school has definitely helped me grow and has opened my eyes on a lot of things.

High school has equipped me for college and i am now even more ready for a greater challenge. My stomach was in groaning for food, and i couldn't seem to do anything with my hair. I had all my pens, papers, notebooks and other miscellaneous items stuffed into my spanking new blue book bag. My mother was down stairs on the patio drinking her morning mug of coffee, yelling at me to hurry up. I gave my brand new nike's a quick whitening, checked to make sure i had everything money for lunch, all my books, paper, pens, and a calculator.

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Somehow knowing my mother was going to be there part of the way made it a little bit easier for me to go. It was nice to have a close relative there to set me off on the grown up part of my life. Not to mention the fact that i hated the bus and used any excuse to get out of riding it. She told me to introduce myself to my teachers on personal bases, to sit up front and to eat a good lunch. As we arrived at the entrance, i felt my breakfast wanting to jump out of my stomach. I was shaking and on the verge of tears в¦ well maybe i'm exaggerating just a little bit, but i was a bit mom gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead, told me i'd have a great time.

On that fortunate day, i got freedom from the control of my tutor who loaded me with heavy home task. The peon led us to the room where i found the teachers seated round a long table. Remember when you were a kid and you had to do some first day of school writing? the traditional essay topic used to what i did on my summer vacation, or some similar variant. Well, now it's the first day of school again! but this time you are the teacher, and you are the one watching the kids are all excited, all a flush showing off their new clothes, catching up on gossip and sussing out their new teacher.

What do you have planned? some fun activities? checking your class list and explaining all of the rules and class procedures. Itwith e all know that the first day of school sets the precedent for the rest of the year, and although kids may expect to have a free day, it's a good idea to get them doing some writing on the first day of class. You might choose to go with the traditional essay, or get them started in the practice of journal writing. Starting them writing also gives you an excellent opportunity for to get to know your students, and to assess their writing skills! on this page, i will share specific writing prompts that you can use for your first day of school. Some of these ideas could be used for either an actual essay, or as short journal assignments. It is up you how much production you want to see from your students on this first day of class. The best way to encourage students to write freely is to tell them they will not be marked on this one.

First of all, it will give you an exemplar to use with the students, to give them an idea of what to write, and how much to write. Secondly, by sharing your thoughts with the students, you are helping them to get to know you as well. Many of these prompts are ones that i have used, with variation, in my own classroom over the years. Happy teaching! this group of back to school prompts focus on what the students did in the summer. And these are more creative variations of the what did you do on your summer vacation given so often through the years. What three things did you do this summer that you have never done before? this can be something big or small, from trying a new sport to trying out a new food.

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If you had been forced to spend your summer vacation with any two people in the world, besides your mom and dad, who would you choose and why? what was the most important thing that you learned this summer? describe what happened to make you learn this lesson. Another excellent subject for first day of class writing is to ask students to set some goals for themselves. Now, on the first day, these goals will probably not be well defined, but they can help to get the student back into school mode, and thinking about what she would like to accomplish. They are simple for students to fill out and they really do allow us to get to know each are some prompts you can ask of your students on the first day.

It is fun to compare the answers from the first of the year, to answers at the end of the year. Although they are listed as being for the first day of class, they are great prompts that you can use at anytime during the year. You may wish to stretch them out for the first week, or just use them as general prompts at any time. Highland village, tx we had to write about something so i picked to write about my first day.

I was getting ready for my first day of high school in the middle of the summer. I was thinking what i should wear and thinking what my hair and make up should look like. We walked into the doors and i seen all the older kids looking at me it made me feel a little more scared.

Rigor made me forget that this was supposed to be my summer break and i spent the first day eagerly examining. Narrative essay the first day of school, full essay about facebook, research paper format in microsoft word. Sample essay for scholarship interviewsample of essay on my first day at school students are searching: write my paper for me more than ever before. There are also more companies answering their plea to: write an essay for me and some are much better than others. Students should consider the following points when looking for essay writing services to write essay for me. This is one of the main concerns of students, as they do not have a lot of cash to spend freely.