How to End Your National Honor Society Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

the national honor society is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, nhs serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of character, scholarship, leadership, and service. To be selected for induction into an organization of such excellence and high standard is not only an honor, but a privilledge. There are numerous advantages in becoming a member of the national honor society.

The best, in my opinion, is the recognition received for the years of hard work that my peers and i have contributed. Maintaining the high standards that got us recognize to become apart of the national honor society was not an easy task. High school today is filled with so many temptations, and the fact that we stood strong through all of them is an advantage within itself.

We become apart of a group, not just any group, but a group consisting of our clas elite students. National honor society also looks good on your college resume and other applications you might be filling out. To my knowledge, there are no questionable problems are incidents that could be used to challenge my selection as an honor society member. I have the ability to quickly catch on to things, which is good for many reasons. Being class president and flag captain have put me in situations where my intellect, or my ability to apply reason and logic, had come in handy. I have a tendency to sometimes speak before i think, which is not a very desirable habit to possess. Outspokeness can be good in some situations, but if used the wrong way can turn out to be more bad than good.

Its better to let your brain think, and not your mouth, because the impression you leave with people reflects on your actions and your choice of words. I have been working to improve this characteristic by simply taking the time to think before i speak. Students claiming membership in the honor society should always maintain high standard of behavior. They should have positive attitudes and postive behavior, and inspire others to do the same.

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Behavior is a key factor to me, and even if im not selected for induction, i will try to maintain the same high standard of behavior. I fully understand retaining membership depends on the maintainance of the 6.5 grade point average. This should not be a problem though, because good grades are a demand of myself, and my parents. Becoming a member of the honor society would once again, be an honor and a privilledge. Being a canidate for selection into this group is an achievement within itself, and induction would be an outstanding achievement. attention. provides free sample essays and essay examples on any topics and subjects. essay writing service produces 100% custom essays, term papers amp research papers, written by quality essay writers only. You can order a custom essay on the national honor society now! post your essay. Do you know students who want critical essay reviews from a professor of english literature? click like to share.

National honor society application with a free essay review i spent the first fifteen years of my life on the sidelines. Socially awkward and embarrassed by my own insecurities, i shied away from almost any group or social activity. Through my volunteer work there during a summer trip with members of my spanish class, i became confident in myself as not only a person, but as a member of my community and the world. Fighting away the flies as my sister, teacher, friends, and myself climbed up the side of a mountain on a rainy afternoon in ecuador, i selfishly wondered why we were being forced to help a man we had never even met. As we planted more than one hundred trees over the span of a few hours, working side by side with the impoverished people there, i learned more about the world than in the fifteen years i had spent in my own backyard. I learned about their sense of humor i learned how to feed stray chickens and pet them i learned how to care about a stranger.

After we were finished planting the trees, i was excited to start repainting the house of a man who climbed to the top of the mountain simply to get ice for his village. At the end of my time spent in ecuador, i had a newfound desire to help those in need, however and whenever possible. As soon as i came home, i once again began volunteering at hospital, only now i worked with a new vigor. I volunteered behind the scenes in the workers compensation department for almost forty hours in a six week span, organizing files that had not been touched in over a decade. My goal in doing this was to help the hospital transition into a new era of data storage – the digital switch. Although most volunteers did not want to work in the compensation department, i embraced the opportunity to do something the hospital sincerely needed.

My service there taught me about character and continuing with a job until it was completed. In addition to my work at the hospital, i also became more involved in school, focusing on my interests and potential career paths. I spent two years as spanish club treasurer, and hope to continue next year as president if the club is reinstated. I spent my sophomore year photographing and writing stories for the yearbook, then transferred over to newspaper for my junior and senior year. I love the ability to voice the news for the entire school, and the fact that people can read, critique, and improve my work on a frequent basis. These experiences on both the yearbook and newspaper have helped me immensely to grow as a writer and an artist. School presented another opportunity to get involved and help in any way possible.

By the end of this year, i will have spent 90 hours working in the office and guidance center during my 1st period class, assisting both mrs. In secretarial services such as answering phones, sorting through mail, and giving tours to new students. I find it rewarding to represent northview, and i genuinely enjoy having the ability to give somebody a tour and first impression of our school. Losing over thirty pounds took me from obesity to a healthy weight range, taught me about self control and patience, and inspired me to help others do the same. My dream career is to go into the field of dietetics and help young kids suffering from childhood obesity.

Since the my freshman year, i have worked at a seasonal ice cream store called during the spring, summer and fall months. Beginning as a new employee, i quickly began gaining more responsibility and respect throughout the company. I began training new employees, taking photographs for their facebook page, working full day shifts when needed, and developing a 54 page manual when i finally decided to leave for a new job as a hostess at . Although i have just started at my new job, i hope to carry the lessons i have learned from into my new career, and hope to have the same success here that i had for years at .

Thank you for the nomination into the national honor society it is, truly, an honor. I am grateful to have been accepted into this first step of the program, and hope that you will consider my application. _ essay review this is a very good essay, and probably fine for its purposes as it stands. I cannot say that with any certainty, because i know nothing about the application process and nothing about what this essay is expected to accomplish. But it is obviously a good essay, so my comments will be brief, and i leave it up to you to determine whether they are worth acting on.

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