How to Write a Good Supplement Essay for College Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

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Here are some examples of typical sup questions that are looking for similar answers: why do you want to go to our university? why are you a good match for our university? what is it that you like the best about our university? how will you contribute to our university? basically, there are two parts to these prompts. One: why you? two: why college x? your job is show how and why they fit together. Here is a short guide on how  to do this: one: state your main goal  for your education at your target schools. ? to enjoy the school’s traditions and programs? three: now figure out how your target school would help you meet these goals. If you are really wise, you will first take time to investigate your target schools. Jot down specific examples of what features will help you meet your goals: unique programs/curricula/classes/clubs, student teacher ratios, class sizes, accolades of professors, reasons for status among other colleges, the campus and specific facilities classroom buildings, architecture, dorms, gathering places , the surrounding environment big city, small college town, etc. , size of school, vibe of student body, location in country near mountains, close to home, etc.

four:  even though these supps are very short, it’s best to  focus on and start with your main point that is, the strongest way that college x meets your most important personal goal. Even better,  give an example  of how you believe this college will meet your most important goal. After that, you can add other examples of how this college will meet your other goals. If you want to be an engineer, and you believe the strongest asset college x has for you is their intellectual, eclectic study body, then start with that. You could start by describing the type of students you noticed during a college visit, and how you relate to them.

If your main goal is to study in a big city so you can have access to real world opportunities, describe the urban environment during a previous visit and explain why it’s important to you. five: once you have a list of goals and specifics about how college x would help you meet these goals, you are ready to write. Give specific details on both your goals and what college x offers that links to them. once you have all your ideas out, re read and underline the best ideas. six: make sure to tweak your answers to address the different questions and schools: this should be obvious, but you will use your same personal goals but provide varying examples and details depending on the school you are writing about. For instance, if you want a college with outstanding study abroad programs, you will be as specific as possible when describing each school’s unique study abroad offerings.

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If you are re using your answers and only making minor changes, you must make sure that you only talk about your target school. Re read each supplement to triple check for any inadvertent mentions of the wrong school. If you are so certain you are a perfect match for a school, your answer had better match perfectly. Why essay prompts are phrased along the lines of why do you want to attend x college? this phrasing can be a little misleading. Colleges don’t want to know why you want to attend so much as why they should want you to attend.

They also want to know that you’ll be an engaged member of the community and support the college’s values. Before you start writing why this college, it’s important to do your research and get to know more about the colleges to which you’re applying. Successful why essays rely on two elements: expressing your own ambitions, values, and personality demonstrating your knowledge about that specific college. The more those two elements work together, the stronger your essay is going to be. Why essays offer the opportunity to express your goals and demonstrate how that specific college can help you achieve them. Your goal can be academic, such as a desire to pursue a specific major or field of study.