Jack The Ripper Research Paper Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

1 sources cited length: 1307 words 3.7 double spaced pages rating: red free jack the ripper jack the ripper killed five women between the 31st of august 18 and the 9th of november 18. They were murdered in whitechapel and spitalfields in the east end areas of london, england. The killer was never caught and because of this there are hundreds on his personality and motives.

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No other killer in the british history rivaled that of the gruesome, mocking, utterly superior jack the ripper. A multiple murderer whose arrogance and boldness deified the entire police department of london and held in terror a great city for as long as he cared to roam its streets and slay at will. Mary ann amp 8220 polly' nichols, aged 42, was the first of the ripper victims, according to dedicated ripperologists. The ripper had slashed her throat twice, and her abdomen had been savagely cut exposing the intestines. The woman approximately five feet two inches tall with brown graying hair, brown eyes, and several missing teeth.

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Mary ann nichols had a drinking problem and spent most of her life making her earnings as a prostitute. Annie chapman, known to her friends as amp 8220 dark annie' , was a 47 year old homeless prostitute. Eventually she turned to prostitution despite her plain features, missing teeth and plump figure. Her abdomen had been cut open and the intestines had been removed and placed on her shoulder. The contents of the pelvis including her female organs and the bladder had been removed. The incisions were cleanly cut, the work obviously of an expert who had knowledge of anatomy and physiology elizabeth stride was born on november 27, 1843 in gothenburg, sweden. While she may have occasionally prostituted herself, for the most part she earned a living by doing sewing or cleaning work.

Her throat had been cut from ear to ear to the back of the spine, but she had not been mutilated. Catherine eddowes, called by kate by all that knew her, had a periodic drinking problem like the other victims which led to quarrels with her companions and family. Her friends described her as amp 8220 an intelligent, scholarly woman, but of fiery temperament' though there is reason to believe that she occasionally prostituted herself, perhaps when under the influence of alcohol.

As in the deaths of amp 8220 polly' nichols and annie chapman, kate amp 8217 s throat had been deeply slashed from left to right and the resulting wound was the cause of death. She was about 25 years old, five feet two inches tall, stout, with blond hair and blues eyes, and a fair complexion. On of her acquaintances said she was abusive when drunk, but amp 8220 one of the most decent and nice girls you could meet when sober'. On friday, november 9, 18, she was found with the skin peeled back from her face and her ears and nose cut off.

Her abdomen had been cut across and downward with most of the internal organs removed. From the testimony of the various eyewitnesses certain probabilities emerge about the killer. Thomas stowell published an article accusing eddy of being jack the ripper, basing his theory upon some papers of sir william gull, the physician of queen victoria.

Stowell claimed that gull was eddy amp 8217 s doctor and was treating the prince for syphilis. The disease supposedly caused eddy to go insane and commit the whitechapel murders. The killings, which stowell claimed were committed by prince eddy, were to be in retaliation for contracting syphilis contracted during sexual activities. The murders started, according to stowell, as eddy amp 8217 s infected brain started to deteriorate. None of this can be proven since stowell died shortly after publishing his theories and burned his papers. One important factor is that royal records show that eddy was not anywhere close to london when the most important murder dates occurred. Also, eddy, who was not considered to be a very intelligent man, did not possess the medical knowledge to be a ripper suspect.

Aaron kosminski is described as a amp 8220 polish jew and resident of whitechapel, insane owing to many years indulgence in vices. He had a great hatred of women, especially of the prostitute class and had strong homicidal tendencies. The only bit of evidence against kosminski was a positive identification by one of the eyewitnesses. He was apprenticed to a surgeon and later went on to complete his studies at a hospital in warsaw. She later left him and george lived in common law arrangements with other women that he also treated badly. While chapman was charged with three murders, he was convicted only of the last one and was hanged on april 7, 1903.

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He was single at the time of the murders and had the freedom to roam around at all hours of the night and morning. He also worked a regular job, which kept him occupied during the week but allowed him weekends free when the murders occurred. In 1885 his father died and a couple of years later his mother was institutionalized for depression and paranoid delusions. He had left a suicide note found by his brother expressing a fear that he was going to be like his mother and that it was best for him to die. It seems that the inspectors supposedly had private information that his family believed that he was the murderer.

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Could anyone help by giving some information or useful sources about the forensics of then? so i can compare them to the forensics now. Basically my paper is about why the police couldn 039 t find out who jack the ripper really was. I appreciate all the help: this essay jack the ripper is available for you on essays24.com! search term papers, college essay examples and free essays on essays24.com full papers database. autor: anton bull july 5, 2011 bull 3,157 words 13 pages bull 415 views few cases of murder have puzzled police as much as the whitechapel murders of 18 puzzled the metropolitan police and scotland yard did. There was little evidence of who the killer could have been, and the killer worked quickly and quietly as to never get noticed.