Psychiatric Nursing Essays Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Published: 23, march 2015 bipolar disorder is a common and serious mental disorder which is synonymous with the older term manic depressive psychosis. It is these aspects that are particularly appropriate to nursing intervention and will be the subject of this essay. Published: 23, march 2015 traditionally, people experiencing mental health problems were removed from society and placed in asylums across the country, indefinitely thornicroft and tansella, 2002, pp. Patients within the mental health system were expected to take a compliant role in the management of their care and leave the decision making to the professionals. In this assignment the writer will begin by exploring the publication lsquo vision for change' while discussing the main theme of this publication which is lsquo the importance of service user involvement and the importance of empowering the service user in the mental health system of ireland' ireland, dept of health amp children, 2006. To empower the service user requires the control of power to be transferred from the professionals to the now known ldquo service user rdquo.

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The writer will discuss the effect of this change and the importance of this change within the mental health system. The mental health act 2001 requested the closure of many asylums and the move towards a community based model of care. The deinstitutionalisation of many patients and relocation back into the community required changes in the way the psychiatric nurse and service user operate. Who wrote this essay request removal example essays evidence has shown the importance of service user's participation in research, education and in practice through out the mental health care system. The writer in this assignment will discuss the importance of service user participation in the delivery of psychiatric nursing care, focusing on the nursing assessment using a holistic approach. Finally, the writer will discuss the importance of service user participation in the remaining stages of the nursing process the nursing diagnosis, outcomes, planning, implementation and evaluation while exploring the need for a therapeutic relationship between service user and psychiatric nurse to complete the nursing process successfully. With people experiencing mental health difficulties, who now reside in the community, it is vital that service users become involved in the development and delivery of mental health services, such as self help services, drop in centres, and in providing assistance with activities of daily living.

The aim of this is to sensitise society to the need of integrating people with mental health difficulties back into community life. Ldquo service users must be at the centre of decision making at an individual level in terms of the services available to them, through to the strategic development of local services and national policy. To use a slogan of the disability rights movement: lsquo nothing about us, without us'.

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To reduce the stigma attached to people with mental health difficulties the term lsquo patient' was changed to service user, as most of the care they receive is provided in the community. The mental health act, 2001 suggests lsquo the term lsquo patient' is used to describe someone who is involuntarily admitted. In the vision for change it states that lsquo the correct way to describe someone with a mental health illness was to see the person before the illness, for example someone with anorexia nervosa was not to be described as lsquo an anorexic' rather than as a person with anorexia nervosa. Stereotyping in mental health is as damaging as any other stereotype ireland, dept of health amp children, 2006 '. People, who experience mental health difficulties, can be the experts through their own experience bee et al, 2008, pp.

Psychiatric nurses remain the largest staff group involved in the provision of mental health care, bee et al, 2008, pp. Therefore, to ensure the mental health care service abides by legislation, it is vital for psychiatric nurses to re evaluate their role to ensure priority is given to including the service user. An bord altranais recommend that a holistic approach is adopted and it is listed as one of the requirements in nurse registration education programmes an bord altranais, 2005.

It is fundamental that the service user participates in the nursing assessment especially where the holistic model of assessment is used. The biopsychosocial model uses a holistic view, addressing the biological, psychological and social factors contributing to a person's mental health problems. According to boyd 2004, p.190 it proposes a person centred treatment approach which addresses each of these elements through an integrated care plan agreed with service users and their carers and involves participation of the service user throughout the assessment. This assessment requires the service user to answer a series of questions, some being of intimate nature about themselves.

This enables the assessor to obtain relevant information required in making a nursing diagnosis. To ensure accurate nursing diagnosis it is critical that the services user listens carefully to the questions asked and is completely honest when answering the questions. This process also requires the service user to be patient while the assessor records the data received. However, it is important to remember that an initial assessment can occur when a service user is first admitted into psychiatric care. According to boyd 2004, p.194 the assessor must have empathy and an understanding of how difficult it is for a person to discuss intimate details of ones life's to a complete stranger, even if it is in the person's best interest.

Psychiatric mental health nursing is a specialized field of nursing that is dedicated to promotion of mental health via the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders and mental health problems. Psychiatric psychological health professionals offer inclusive patient centered psychiatric care and mental health and outcome assessment in a wide range of situations across the whole range of care. The notion of partnership between the nurse and the patient is vital to psychiatric mental health nursing practice. It is based on mutual support, collaboration and trust which promote decision making, informed choice and empowerment of both the psychiatric nurse and the client barker 2003.

An experience of partnership caring and how my contribution impacted psychiatric nursing practice from my experiences as a mental health nurse, mental health nursing practice is mainly about establishment of good human relations and partnership. The primary goal of psychiatric nursing is to create therapeutic human relationships. Psychiatric nurses are required to create a caring mindset so as to take good care of their patients. According to fitzpatrick 2005 , the theoretical and historical foundation of psychiatric nursing stresses the significance of intrapersonal and interpersonal skills that are fundamental for developing curative relationships.

A caring approach is at the core of these relationships, which is usually communication to individuals you work with via the utilization of basic intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. Client nurse relationships are highly significant in psychiatric psychological health nursing. Both outpatient and inpatient nursing involves the capability of the nurse to engage the patient in interpersonal interrelations. A psychiatric psychological health nurse practicing within the community set up deals with persistently ill patients both in disastrous situations and long term curative relationships. Under this set up, communication skills are greatly significant since trust requires to be created within a comparatively short duration of time.

The psychiatric nurse employing crisis intervention utilizes utmost assessment skills and creates trust to make a client confide crucial information barker 2003. Understanding is a crucial element in creation of a therapeutic or healing relationship in mental health psychiatric nursing. Expressing understanding is significant because it gives a patient the feeling of importance. Lynch and trenoweth 2008 argue that feeling valued is important to the life of an individual who resides in a community, which often stigmatizes him due to his mental illness. When a nurse understands and knows the clients, he is able to help the clients to understand and appreciate themselves, thus giving them the power to influence their healing. Active listening is at the core of a good partnership between the nurse and the client.

To completely employ listening to express understanding, the psychiatric nurse must listen to the patient and also be attentive. When psychiatric nurses offer appropriate attention and appear interested in listening to the patient, the clients feel understood. In addition, communication and interpersonal techniques like clarifying, reflecting, summarizing and offering eye contact are vital to understanding and relating to the client lynch amp trenoweth 2008. In order to promote listening to understand the needs and problems of the client accurately, a psychiatric nurse is supposed to appreciate unique communication, situation and problem of the client. To fully understand the distinctiveness of every situation, the psychiatric nurse is supposed to surpass what is anticipated of majority of other health expertise to gain an in depth individual understanding of the client. Other than merely acting out and testing behavior, the psychological health doctor is supposed to look far beyond the palpable and endeavor to comprehend and assign meaning to the particular kind of behavior being displayed by the patient.